Design and technical engineering

In engineering unit of this company, more than 80 people with doctoral, MS and BS degree in the field of mechanical, metallurgy, industrial, electrical and control engineering had been working and by using the latest achievements of modern knowledge of Turbo-machinery design and their related accessories as well as utilizing recent engineering software, have been providing all engineering services to the manufacturing units of this factory.

The activities of the engineering and technical units of the factory are very extensive and include material identification, design and production of the parts, preparation of the production drawings, preparation of the production processes, design of the production process equipments, preparation of the assembly process schedule, provision of technical documentations, and cooperation throughout the preparation of test procedures and pumps delivery.

Furthermore, the preparation of technical documentation for pumps for use in the client’s operation & engineering unit is one of the most important activities of the technical & engineering unit in the Iran Industrial Pumps Plant.
The plant’s engineering unit of IIP includes the following sections:

  • Hydraulic and mechanical design section
  • Modeling section and CAD/CAM design
  • Design and engineering of sealing systems
  • Documentation section and Final Book